
Presentation title: Heat pipes in solar thermal applications-A review

Prof. Joon Hong Boo

Dr Joon Hong Boo, is a Professor Emeritus at School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Korea Aerospace University. He has over 40 years of research experience in the field of mechanical engineering with focus on thermal engineering, heat transfer analysis, heat exchangers and heat pipe. He received Ph.D. from Georgia Institute of Technology, USA in 1989. He has been a visiting scholar/professor at Texas A&M University, USA, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (presently JAXA), Japan and Waseda University, Japan. He was the Chair of international conferences: Joint 18th IHPC and 12th IHPS (Jeju, Korea, 2016), 7th International Heat Pipe Symposium (Jeju, 2003). His other memberships include, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering area- ASME, AIAA, KSME, KSASS, SAREK; Solar Energy and Renewable Energy area- ISES, KSES, KSNRE.

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Presentation title: Recent Trends on Capillary Driven Two-phase Heat Loops Developments and Application

Dr Donatas Mishkinis

Dr Donatas Mishkinis is a chief technology officer at Allatherm with more than 30 years of experience in developing innovative, customer-oriented products for aerospace and terrestrial thermal management applications. Professional experience obtained from working in different R&D organizations and environments: academic research institute (Luikov Heat & Mass Transfer, Belarus, 9 yrs.), higher educational establishment (Clemson University, USA, 2 yrs.), government research laboratory (Canadian Space Agency, Canada, 3 yrs.), industry (IberEspacio, Spain, 10 yrs. and Allatherm, Latvia, 6 yrs.). Dr. Mishkinis has PhD in thermal engineering with dissertation dedicated to heat pipe applications in natural gas adsorption storage systems and heat pumps. Winner of HISPASAT 25th Anniversary Prize: Best Telecommunications Satellite Innovation Project. Holder of George Grover Award in recognition of outstanding contribution to the development of science and technology of heat pipes (15 IHPC, Clemson, 2010). Author of 15 patents and more than 100 scientific papers and chapters in books.

Presentation title: Advances in additive manufacturing for heat pipe applications

Dr Wessel Wits

Dr. ir. Wessel W. Wits is Hardware Architect at Thales Netherlands and appointed Fellow at the University of Twente. Dr. Wits received his PhD in 2008 on the topic of integrated cooling concepts for electronic systems. Since then he has a profound interest in thermal management of electronic systems. Research into the application of two-phase cooling devices forms a major part of his research activities.

Dr. Wits has contributed markedly to the field of heat pipes, thermosyphons, loop heat pipes, pulsating heat pipes, pumped two-phase loops and many more heat transfer devices. Focal point in his research is the quest to functionally integrate or embed two-phase systems into electronics systems. Next to a solid base in heat and mass flow knowledge, expertise in engineering design and manufacturing plays a pivotal role in this respect. Recent advances in additive manufacturing have tremendously enlarged the manufacturable design solution space. Dr. Wits is committed to exploiting this technological progress by inventing even better cooling devices, and by disseminating this to the heat pipe community, academia and industry at large.

Dr. Wits is Associate Member of the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP), Steering Committee Member of THERMINIC, the International Workshop on Thermal Investigations of ICs and Systems, and Founder of the Dutch Knowledge Center for Heat Pipe Technology.